The NEWS Summer 2023


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Jun 01, 2023

The NEWS Summer 2023

On this page: Hello, I am Nigel Barker the newly elected Leader of North East Derbyshire District Council. Welcome to this fantastic summer issue of the NEWS! Thank you to everyone who voted for us at

On this page:

Hello, I am Nigel Barker the newly elected Leader of North East Derbyshire District Council.

Welcome to this fantastic summer issue of the NEWS!

Thank you to everyone who voted for us at the recent elections, find out more about our pledges and future plans to improve North East Derbyshire on page 3.

There’s lots happening across the district this summer. We have some great hidden gems for you and your family to explore (see pages 16-17) and fantastic events and galas for everyone to enjoy. We are also running summer holiday activities at our leisure centres to keep your little ones entertained throughout the summer break (see page 13 -15).

On the subject of leisure, work is progressing well on the new Clay Cross Active leisure centre. Find out more about this and the Clay Cross Town Deal on pages 4-5.

We have been supporting some fantastic grassroots projects through our Community Action Grants Scheme (see page 23).

For our local businesses, we have support and funding available through the Shopfront Enhancement Scheme so please do take a look to see if you are eligible (page 6).

Finally I would like to welcome our incoming Chair, Cllr Martin Thacker MBE, who as you may remember raised a staggering amount last time around for Ashgate Hospice. I’d also like to thank former Cllr Diana Ruff who raised £5,692.19 for her chosen charity SSAFA.

Nigel Barker, Leader of North East Derbyshire District Council

Following May’s local elections, we have some new faces at the council.

Our Annual Council meeting saw the new Labour administration take control and announce our new Leader, Deputy Leader and subsequent Cabinet Members - as well as the new Chairman.

Cllr Nigel Barker takes over as Leader, Cllr Pat Kerry is Deputy Leader and Cllr Martin Thacker MBE is our new Chairman, replacing the outgoing Cllr Diana Ruff. Vice Chair is Cllr Gerry Morley.

Cllr Nigel Barker said: “I am really looking forward to the next four years in office as Leader of the Council.

“I would like to thank our outgoing Leader Cllr Dale for the dedication and hard work in what was an incredibly difficult period with the cost of living crisis and covid pandemic.

“I would also like to take this opportunity as Leader to inform our residents and businesses that we will be following up on our manifesto promises during the election campaign and moving forward from here we will be a council that is tackling issues that matter to our residents.

“We have seen an increase in low level anti-social behaviour which can have a big impact on people’s lives and we will add additional resources to the Community Safety Team to tackle this.

“Increasing biodiversity and tackling Climate Change is a priority for us as a Council to ensure the District is clean and tidy, we will review the road sweeping regimes.

“Finally, we will be looking to increase the number of social houses in the district over the next four years and it is my intention to reinstate the grant to the Derbyshire Unemployed Works Centre so the people of North East Derbyshire can use it to get the help they need.”

Things are moving at pace now with the £24.1m Clay Cross Town Deal. Here’s a look at what’s been happening over the last few months.

We have made some exciting progress over the last few months, with work progressing well at Sharley Park Leisure Centre (Clay Cross Active) and other developments.

We have some fantastic new visuals of what the new town centre improvements could look like and we have been consulting with you, our residents and businesses on the proposals.

The Adult Education Centre and Broadleys site, off of Market Street, proposed as part of the Town Centre Regeneration project, contains several multipurpose spaces open for local events, leisure and business use.

In addition to the new town square, the development includes provision for approximately 15 small businesses units, each with a 50 square metre capacity and giving the ability to expand into adjacent units to accommodate those wanting more floorspace.

Additional business and leisure space, as well as the potential relocation of the library, will also be provided in the enhanced heritage buildings brought back into use at the heart of the site.

Following a period of public consultation and review, the Council has submitted a planning application for the development and continue to work with all stakeholders to deliver the best scheme for Clay Cross.

In addition, we welcome expressions of interest from businesses who may wish to locate within the new development and be part of the plans to shape the space. Contact the Clay Cross Town Deal team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Council also recently undertook an early consultation event in June and ran an online survey seeking residents views.

These will now be collated and fed into the plans moving forward and we shall share more details of the comments and proposals on Clay Cross Town Deal website.

Work has also continued on the Rail Feasibility Study and Low Carbon Energy Network Strategy (LCENS) which are due to be finalised in the coming months after having their business cases approved. The output of the LCENS is set to inform work on the Low Carbon Challenge fund, a three year programme aiding transition to a low carbon economy.

Work started on site at Sharley Park Leisure Centre over the last few months and we would like to thank our residents and members for their patience during these works.

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Growth and Assets, Cllr Jayne Barry, said: “We have made some fantastic progress on site, with the former sports hall now just a shell and major construction has begun on the car park and surrounding areas. The photos illustrate some of the progress and the centre is due to open late 2024 (subject to change as progress continues).”

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Health & Leisure, Cllr Kathy Rouse, said: “The centre will be a fantastic community asset, boasting a 100 station gym, state of the art facilities, be completely accessible for all ages, abilities and disabilities and will feature a brilliant Tag Active course, which will be the first in the area and fantastic for kids and adults.”

A brand new wellness suite will be installed with Innerva power assisted equipment, which will be arranged in a 12-station circuit format.

The wellness suite will be suitable for all fitness levels and is an ideal form of exercise for those who are less mobile, suffering from illness, or who are undergoing post-operative rehabilitation.

Innerva’s power-assisted equipment is designed to help improve the 5 elements of healthy aging which are aerobic fitness, muscular strength, balance, flexibility and social wellbeing.

There are many exciting features for the whole community, please check out our website for more details, pictures and what to expect from your new facility at Clay Cross Active website.

Pictured: Cutthorpe Recreation Ground. Brampton Parish Council received £6,500 UKSPF funding towards a £43k playground project.

Earlier this year, NEDDC was awarded £2.5m from the government to spend on initiatives to improve the District’s parks, play areas, shopfronts, tourism offer and business support – amongst other improvements. Communities in NE Derbyshire are now reaping the benefits of this UK Shared Prosperity Funding, with £633,000 already awarded to projects across the District!

We’ve also launched our Shopfront Enhancement Scheme to support businesses and landlords improve their street facing commercial properties within the District, especially those within our town centres and on our high streets.

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Growth & Assets, Cllr Jayne Barry, said: “This funding will support organisations to improve parks, play areas and local venues in the District, enabling residents and visitors to access high quality space for physical exercise and social interaction.”

North East Derbyshire District Council Leader, Cllr Nigel Barker added: “We know that our residents are facing challenges, including the ongoing cost of living.

"The Inclusive Communities scheme will help increase people’s access to advice and support as well as reducing social isolation. The UKSPF funding enables us to make investments that make a positive difference for all our residents.”

Details of future North East Derbyshire UKSPF bidding rounds, will be publicised on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund pages of North East Derbyshire District Council website and through social media. Projects benefiting from the UKSPF funding are available to view on the website.

We’ve now launched our Shopfront Enhancement Scheme, with grants up to £10,000 up-for-grabs.

Businesses and landlords with street facing commercial premises in the District of North East Derbyshire are invited to apply for grants to help improve the visual appearance of their properties.

Funded through the North East Derbyshire UK Shared Prosperity Fund programme, the Shopfront Enhancement Scheme will not only enhance the character, value and appeal of each individual property, but collectively will have a positive impact on the appearance of the District’s high streets.

For more information on eligibility criteria, the Shopfront Design Guide, and application process, visit North East Derbyshire District Council website and search shopfront.

For advice about the scheme, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cllr Martin Thacker MBE has been named as our new Chairman for 2023-24.

Cllr Thacker was also Chairman in 2021-22 when he helped raise £79,500 for Ashgate Hospice – the largest amount ever received by the hospice from a council appeal!

He has once again chosen the hospice to raise cash and awareness for again this year.

Cllr Thacker said: “I’m of course delighted to have been chosen to represent the Council as Chairman again and can’t wait to start with my new fundraising efforts for the hospice.

“Many of us will know a friend or a family member whose life has been touched by the incredible work Ashgate Hospice does, so if you are able to give anything at all to my appeal, I know they will be incredibly grateful.”

Cllr Thacker was elected as Chairman during our Annual Council meeting in May, with Mrs Jean Spencer named as Consort.

A number of events will now take place over the coming months to help raise money for the Chairman’s appeal in aid of Ashgate Hospice, so please keep a look out on North East Derbyshire District Council website and social media for details.

Our outgoing Chair Cllr Diana Ruff has thanked all those who helped her raise thousands of pounds for Armed Forces charity SSAFA during her year in office.

Former Cllr Ruff chose to raise money and awareness for the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA), as her father was in the Royal Navy.

During the past 12 months, a number of events have taken place to bring in the cash, culminating in a Family Fun Day at the end of May.

The total raised for SSAFA from all the fundraising events was £5,692.19.

Former Cllr Ruff said: “I’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has helped me organise and stage these events, and of course everyone who has given money to this worthwhile cause.

“I’ve been privileged to meet some fantastic people during my year in office and also as my time as a councillor.”

Mike Madin, Derbyshire Branch Secretary of SSAFA, said: “It’s been a great pleasure to work with former Councillor Ruff, the local council officials and staff all year.

“Their efforts in helping to fundraise for our charity have been splendid. As the Armed Forces charity, we provide lifelong support to serving men and women, veterans, their families or dependents.

“The money raised will help support our efforts on behalf of those in need helping to alleviate hardship, distress or poverty.

“This money is a wonderful and timely boost to our efforts in helping those beneficiaries in the North East Derbyshire area. Thank-you very much.”

Our Environmental Health Officers (EHO’s) work hard throughout the year to make sure the places you visit and the areas you live and work in are safe and clean.

In our Commercial Team, food hygiene inspections account for the majority of their work, but they are also responsible for health and safety enforcement, control of infectious diseases, routine food sampling, skin piercing and tattoo registrations, animal licensing and smoke-free enforcement.

Environmental Health Officer Matthew Turner explains more about his role:

Q: Hi Matt. How did you get into the profession and how long have you been an Environmental Health Officer?

I previously worked in a supermarket which gave me an interest in food safety. I was in my early 30’s and decided to re-train so studied for a degree in Environmental Health. I have been with North East Derbyshire District Council since 2006, initially joining as a student, then becoming a qualified EHO.

Q: What do you enjoy most about your job?

The variety of the job and the opportunity to provide a positive impact on public health. Offering support and advice to new businesses to ensure they have the right controls in place to minimise the risk to the public.

Working as part of a team. For example, I will be assisting a colleague who has already done a lot of work with a proposed dairy, helping to ensure the pasteurization process is carried out in a safe manner.

Q: What does a typical day involve?

Undertaking food hygiene inspections which are, wherever possible, unannounced during normal trading hours.

Responding to service requests received, such as a food or health and safety complaints regarding a business. We are also often asked to provide advice, including to people considering starting up in business.

Carrying out animal licensing inspections to premises where there is a licensable activity, for example, cat or dog boarding and dog breeding. Investigating allegations of food poisoning.

Q: Can you share any interesting stories?

There was a recent case whereby almost 2,000kg of imported frozen cooked chicken was delivered to a cold store in our area.

Salmonella had been found in the chicken. The case involved working with the businesses involved, other agencies and councils to help ensure the chicken did not enter the food chain.

Q: If people have any concerns about the premises they visit or eat in, how should they report this?

The best way is through North East Derbyshire District Council website Where people do not have internet access the council can be contacted on 01246 231111.

Our Joint Environmental Health team* successfully prosecuted a landlord who let out properties in appalling conditions with serious faults, hazards damp and mould as they and the Judge in court took a no-nonsense approach and was jailed for 10 months.

Martin Ambler, aged 58, owns properties in Chesterfield, North East Derbyshire and Bolsover and upon inspection of a property by the Environmental Health Team they found the landlord had let the property to a family which contained several category one hazards – the most serious risk to health and was infested with rats.

There was evidence of neglect and serious hazards throughout the ‘home’, with holes in walls, gaps in decaying windows, doors which could not close, external doors which leaked and allowed wind through, along with serious damp and mould problems.

As officers investigated more of his properties another was found to have metal shutters attached to windows meaning tenants had no access to natural light for several weeks and a third property of Amblers had become a dumping ground for huge amounts of fly-tipping which he failed to clear up.

In his sentencing remarks, the Judge stated: “I consider that the only appropriate punishment for these breaches is an immediate [prison] term. There has been a history of poor compliance with court orders. The offences themselves were a breach of an order.

"I did not consider there was a realistic prospect of rehabilitation in the light of his [Martin Amber’s] response which showed an unwillingness to take the opportunity to change his ways.”

The case comes after a nationwide housing safety crisis has attracted attention of the Secretary of State for Levelling up Housing & Communities, Michael Gove, following the tragic death of two-year-old Awaab Ishak in Rochdale.

He died from respiratory failure caused by chronic mould and damp that was not addressed by the landlord. The Secretary of State has since issued a direction, instructing all local housing authorities whilst carrying out their duty to review housing conditions in their area, to have particular regard to damp and mould hazards.

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Environmental Health, Cllr Steve Pickering, said: “This Landlord grossly evaded his responsibilities and let sub-standard property to vulnerable tenants without any consideration for their health or wellbeing. The disrepair, damp, mould and rodent infestations presented significant risks to the health and safety of his tenants.

“In light of recent tragic events in Rochdale, our council and environmental health services has an absolutely zero tolerance policy on landlords who do not keep their properties up to standards for their tenants. We care passionately about our residents and our teams of highly trained staff can, and will act swiftly to ensure properties are safe for families in our District.

“In this particular case, Ambler failed to fix the issues in his properties, despite repeated requests from the Council and the Court and his obligations under the Criminal Behaviour Order. He is now paying the price for his failure to act responsibly.”

*North East Derbyshire District Council and Bolsover District Council.

Starting up a business can be both exciting and daunting

It requires hard work, dedication, and the right resources to make it successful. Fortunately, there are many resources available within the District to help entrepreneurs get started.

From one-to-one mentoring sessions to workshops that teach the basics of starting up a business, there is something for everyone.

Start-up funding can provide entrepreneurs with the financial resources they need to launch their businesses.

Isabelle Hadfield, H2PRO Equine, said: “The number of opportunities for support and advice available alongside funding has been phenomenal. As a small rural business owner, these opportunities will have a huge impact on the success of my brand’s future and ability to grow. Special thanks to Sarah, Vision Derbyshire Business Adviser who is always at the end of the phone and willing to go the extra mile to help, even on her days off.”

Need help finding or applying for a job?

Our Working Communities Project offers FREE information, support and advice for anyone in NE Derbyshire who is unemployed or facing redundancy and looking for work.

Working together on a one-to-one basis, you and your advisor will create a realistic plan to find employment.

We can help with a variety of job-related tasks, such as filling in application forms – the first step to getting the position you really want.

Sign-up to get updates from us and you’ll get regular news about local jobs sent straight to your inbox!

More information on the Working Communities flyer.

If you are a business with vacancies you would like included free of charge in the above, contact our Community Employment Advisor for more information.

Also, keep a look out on our website and social media for details of jobs fairs taking place across the District this year. We can’t wait to meet you!

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. For more information about how we can help you find a job, contact our Community Employment Advisor.

A physiotherapist who encourages clients to spend more time looking after their health and wellbeing, has heeded her own advice - with some amazing results!

Nicola Manning (53) suffers from Fibromyalgia – a long-term condition that causes pain all over the body.

In Nicola’s case, her other symptoms also include muscle weakness, joint stiffness and chronic fatigue.

Mum-of-one Nicola, said: “Because it’s an invisible condition, it’s very much misunderstood.

“People can be quite judgemental because you don’t look ill.”

After seeing her doctor, she was referred on to the Exercise by Referral scheme – a free 12-week course that aims to increase exercise and activity for people who want to improve their health.

After taking part in swim and gym sessions twice a week at Eckington Swimming Pool and Fitness Centre,

Nicola has noticed a ‘huge difference’ in the way she feels and can’t praise the scheme enough.

After managing just four lengths of the pool, she’s now tripled this to 12, can now walk and tackle stairs more easily, is in less pain and has also lost a stone-and-a-half in weight, due to the increased exercise and a calorie restricted diet.

Her Fibromyalgia flare-ups, which used to last a week, have also decreased and are now limited to just 24 hours.

Speaking of the scheme, Nicola said: “I think it’s a brilliant introduction to a healthier lifestyle.

“I just can’t give it a glowing enough recommendation.”

After finishing the course, Nicola intends to keep up with her swim and gym regime and also hopes to incorporate other fitness classes, such as chair-based exercise. As she often tells her clients: “It’s not selfish to invest in yourself.”

Healthy Lifestyles Instructor, Alison Olley, said: “Nicola has improved so much overall with regular gym and swimming sessions that her ‘flare ups’ have subsided significantly, and all the other ailments have also improved to the point she is doing so much more in her everyday life.

“She decided to invest in her own healthier lifestyle and is now reaping the rewards.”

Our Exercise by Referral scheme aims to increase exercise and activity for people who want to improve their health. It is aimed at people who currently do either no or very little physical activity, but who are motivated to do more.

Anyone who is interested in the programme should contact their GP, Practice Nurse or Social prescriber at their surgery.

Activities can include gym, swimming, low impact circuit training, cardiac rehabilitation, chair-based exercise and

Forever Active. Other activities are available but are chargeable at a pay-as-you-go rate.

Keep your youngsters amused with the fantastic boredom-busting activities taking place at all four of our leisure centres this summer.


Fun with floats and rafts in the pool - parents and families welcome!

Dates/time: Every Monday from 24 July to 21 August, 10.45am to 11.45am.

Dates/time: Every Thursday from 27 July to 24 August, 2pm to 3pm.

Dates/time: Every Saturday from 29 July to 19 August, 3.15pm to 4.15pm.

Cost: Adults £4.80, juniors £4.30, family £13.00 and under 5s FREE!

Crazy Gang

A whole range of wacky games and activities, as well as some sporting activities to suit everyone.

For ages 6 to 12yrs.

Dates/time: Every Monday from 24 July to 21 August, 1pm to 4pm.

Dates/time: Every Friday from 28 July to 25 August, 12.45pm to 3.45pm.

Cost: £8 per session.

Soccer Stars Soccer Coaching

Improve your skills, have a great time and enjoy the game.

Skills, training and practises with qualified licensed FA coaches.

For ages 4 to 7yrs. (Please pay the coach in the hall).

Dates/time: Every Tuesday from 25 July to 15 August, 9.15am to 10.30am.

Cost: £4.50 per session.

For more information or to book your place, contact Richard on 07779 613944 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Remember the five Ds of Dodgeball: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge!

Fun-packed sessions for 7 to 12yrs.

Dates/time: Every Tuesday from 25 July to 22 August, 1pm to 3pm.

Cost: £6 per session.

Roller Disco Sessions

High energy skating with thumping beats and amazing lights.

Dates: Wednesday 2, 16 and 30 August.

Time: 12.30pm to 1.45pm.

Cost: £6.50, Skate hire £2. Get a 10% discount on families of 3,4 or 5.

For more details visit the Roller Energy Facebook page.

Junior Gym

Supervised gym session providing a safe and effective fitness and toning workout for 11 to 14 yrs.

Dates/times: Monday to Friday, 4pm

to 4.45pm and Saturday 10.30am to

11.15am. Cost: £4.05 per session.

Crash course swimming lessons

The lessons are for beginner swimmers ONLY with the aim to provide water confidence whilst taking part in fun activities and getting rid of those arm bands. Reduced class numbers to 8 per class. For ages 4½ to 8yrs.

Dates/times: Monday 31 July to Friday 4 August and Monday 14 August to Friday 18 August, 8.30am to 9.00am and 9.00am to 9.30am.

Cost: £45.50 for the five days.

New customers please note that attendance on our crash course swimming lessons does not guarantee you a space on our learn to swim programme. Contact reception for more information, including T&Cs.

Large inflatable Aquafun

Come and try ‘The Beast’ a 15m obstacle course. Please note the inflatable is in deep water so those using it must be a competent swimmer and able to swim at least two lengths.

Dates/time: Every Monday from 24 July to 21 August,

1.30pm to 3.00pm.

Dates/time: Every Wednesday from 26 July to 30 August, 1.30pm to 3.00pm.


Every Saturday 29 July to 2 September, 2.00pm to 3.30pm.

Pool closes at 1.15pm Mondays and Wednesdays for set up and will reopen at 3.30pm. Saturdays see regular timetable. Payments taken 30 mins prior to session start.

Cost: Adults £4.80, juniors £4.30, family £13.00 and under 5s FREE!

Table Tennis

Two tables available at varying times. Includes bats and balls. Open to all ages, junior to adult. Bookable in advance.

Cost: £4.30 for one hour hire.

Enquire at reception for availability.

Junior Gym

Supervised gym session providing a safe and effective fitness and toning workout for 11 to 14 yrs.

Dates/time: Every Monday to Friday,

4pm to 5pm. Cost: £4.05 per session.

Café and FREE soft play area

Enjoy a great selection of hot and cold drinks and snacks seven days a week, including our popular kids’ Slush drinks

To avoid disappointment, booking is recommended.

Please note: Age/height restrictions may apply to some activities. Summer swimming lesson break Friday 25 to Thursday 31 August. Mondays, 12.15pm to 1pm and Tuesdays, 9.15am to 10am.

Multi sports and games activity camp

Bring a packed lunch and clothing for indoor and outdoor activities. Book in advance via Killamarsh Active reception.

Parental consent form to complete on booking. Suitable for 6-11 year olds.

Dates/time: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 25 July to 31 August, 10am to 2pm.

Cost: £8.

Turn up and play:


Date/time: Every Monday, 4pm to 4.45pm. Age: All ages.

Cost: £2.

3G football

Date/time: Every Monday to Friday (except bank holidays), 9am to 4pm.

Age: All ages. Cost: £2.

Indoor hockey

Date/time: Every Wednesday, 4pm to 4.45pm. Age: All ages. Cost: £2.

Quid a kid racket sports

Play squash, badminton, racketball, pickleball, soft tennis – the choice is yours! Book in advance at reception. (Adults are welcome to join in).

Date/time: Every Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm. Cost: £1.

Junior Gym

Supervised gym session providing a safe and effective fitness and toning

workout for 11 to 14 yrs.

Date/time: Every Monday to Friday, 4pm to 5pm.

Date/time: Saturdays, 10.30am to 11.30am.

Cost: £4.05 per session.

Soft Play Kingdom

A soft play area perfect for under 10’s.

Hours of fun with climbing nets, slides and much more! Enjoy three levels of themed fun soft play activities.

Open 7 days a week.

Time: 9am to 7pm.

Cost: For two hours of fun - under 1’s free, 1-3 years £3.20, 4-10 years, £4.95.

Skate Park

Free to use for skateboarders, BMX and scooters. Open 7 days a week.

Time: 9am to 8pm.


Wet and wild fun for all the family, featuring the giant pool inflatable obstacle course. Children under 8 yrs must be accompanied by an adult.

Please note the inflatable is in deep water so those using it must be a competent swimmer and able to swim at least two lengths.

Dates/time Mondays from 24 July to 21 August, 1.15pm to 2.15pm.

Dates/time: Thursdays from 27 July to 24 August, 1.15pm to 2.15pm.

Dates/time: Saturdays from 29 July to 26 August, 3.00pm to 4.00pm.

Cost: Adults £4.80, juniors £4.30, family £13.00 and under 5s FREE!

Junior Gym

Supervised gym session providing a safe and effective fitness and toning workout for 11 to 14 yrs.

Dates/time: Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 24 July to 23 August, 4pm to 4.45pm. Cost: £4.05.

Flip and Fun

Learn how to use a mask and flippers in a fun environment. Session will incorporate lots of fun and games and will include the use of snorkels and body boards. All equipment provided. Takes place in deep water so those attending must be competent swimmers and able to swim at least two lengths.

Dates/time: Tuesdays from 25 July to 22

August, 10.45am to 11.45am.

Cost: £4.20.

Aqua Games

Take part in fun games and activities from water polo and raft races to water dodgeball and many more! All equipment provided. Takes place in shallow water in the small pool. Those attending must be confident in the water. For age 8 to 13 yrs.

Dates/time: Fridays from 28 July to 25 August, 10.00am to 11.00am.

Cost: £4.20.

Crash course swimming lessons

The lessons are for beginner swimmers ONLY with the aim to provide water confidence whilst taking part in fun activities and getting rid of those arm bands. Reduced class numbers to 8 per class.

For ages 4½ to 8 yrs.

Dates/time: Monday 31 July to Friday 4 August, 9.30am to 10.00am.

Cost: £45.50 for the five days.

New customers please note that attendance on our crash course swimming lessons does not guarantee you a space on our learn to swim programme.

Disc Golf

A fun game for all the family, where players throw a disc at a target, using rules similar to golf. The nine ‘hole’ course is situated in the rural surroundings of Sharley Park. The course is open all year round and is

FREE to use!

Discs are available to hire or purchase from reception. All-purpose discs can be hired for a £5 deposit. Three disc starter pack for £16.99.

Just do More! Junior membership - £19 per month

Unlimited use of fitness suites, Junior Gym, junior specific classes and swimming. For ages 5 to 15yrs.

No direct debit required, just pay over the counter. Contact centres for more information, including T&Cs.

Aged 5-15 years old? Then try our 7-FOR-1 swimming promotion at Dronfield Sports Centre, Eckington Swimming Pool and Fitness Centre and Sharley Park Leisure Centre, running throughout the holidays. Just pay £3.30 for one swim and swim for FREE the following six days! Contact reception for more information, including T&Cs.

We’ve got some fantastic attractions and places to visit across our District.

So why not get out and about and explore the delights on your own doorstep!

Barlow Sunflowers Pick your Own sunflowers in the stunning village of Barlow.

For more information visit the village sunflowers website.

Pop in for an ice cream and feed the goats, pigs, donkeys and chickens. Visit us on Baslow Road, Holymoorside, Chesterfield S42 7BH.

Experience walking Alpacas in the beautiful countryside, booking required.

For more information visit the Peaky Pacas website.

Set in the beautiful countryside between Clay Cross and Ashover this hidden gem

has the most delicious cakes and drinks. Watch out for the new Tea Rooms opening soon. For more information visit the Stretton Hall Facebook site.

Ogston New Road, Woolley Moor, Alfreton DE55 6FN.

Listen to the birds singing and watch the water sports on the reservoir.

Callywhite Lane, Dronfield S18 2XP.

With fantastic play areas and lots of green open space this is a great place to head this summer.

Hall Drive, Sutton Scarsdale, Derbyshire, S44 5UR.

Whilst restoration work takes place on the Hall, the grounds provide the perfect place for a peaceful picnic.

Birkin Lane, Grassmoor.

Fantastic paths and wide-open spaces provide a great afternoon out. At weekends and bank holidays ‘Malc the Coffee’ can be found in the car park for refreshments.

Holmgate Road, Clay Cross, S45 9PH.

Just 5 minutes’ walk from the centre of Clay Cross you can picnic with a view over the pond whilst watching the ducks and before following the Dinosaur Safari on the Love Exploring app*

Visit the Love Exploring website.

*Love exploring app can be downloaded for free using the apple or play store.

As the weather warms up, you may be thinking about getting out and about in the District to enjoy some al fresco dining.

We’ve got some top tips to help you cut down on waste when picnicking and be more environmentally-friendly this Plastic Free July

If you do have any waste, please make sure you place it in a litter bin.

*Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution.

For more information please visit Renishaw Hall's website

Wednesday 9 August - One of the finest agricultural and horticultural shows in the country.

Ashover Showground, Ashover, S45 0BA. Exhibitors: cattle, horses, sheep, poultry, horticulture, dogs, vintage vehicles and machinery.

For more information please visit Ashover Show website.

For more information please visit Ashover Parish Hall website.

Sheffield Auction Gallery Valuation Day Thursday 27 July, 10am to 3pm. Artisan & Producers Market Sunday 8 October, 10am to 3pm.

For more information please visit Dronfield Hall Barn website.

Watch the website and socials for updates

Check out the events calendar on North East Derbyshire website for up-to-date information about what’s on in the District.

Got an event you’d like to publicise? Tell us about it at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Our newest leisure centre, Killamarsh Active, is now registered on two well-known websites, which make it easier for people to find disabled-friendly facilities.

The centre can be found on Changing Places and Euan’s Guide – which both champion disabled people’s rights.

Disabled users can find the following at Killamarsh Active:

More information on: the Euans Guide website and Changing Places website.

Do you have an injury, a long-term health condition or simply don’t like exercise on land? Then our weekly instructor led session might be for you!

The unique properties of water make swimming perfect for people of all ages to exercise, particularly those with injuries, impairments, long term health conditions, or those who struggle to exercise on land. Evidence suggests swimmers live longer and that regular swimming helps older people stay mentally and physically fit.

Swimming has a positive impact on a range of physical and mental health conditions including dementia, obesity, cancer, cerebral palsy, and pulmonary disease.

This session is not intended to be a swimming lesson. It can be tailor-made for your needs, or you can be left alone to just enjoy the water. Carers are welcome.

Suitable for anyone aged 16+ years and is available at Dronfield Sports Centre, Eckington Swimming pool & Fitness Centre, and Sharley Park Leisure Centre.

Footy, but with a twist!

Walking football is a fun, non-contact sport open to all ages and abilities. Normal rules apply, but; no running, no jogging, no sprinting… just walking!

You can speak to reception at one of our leisure centres for more information on how to get started.

Have you thought about signing up to our Walking into Communities programme before?

Being more active has significant benefits for health, both physical and mental, and can help to prevent and manage over 20 chronic conditions and diseases, including some cancers, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and depression.

Physical activity isn’t always about joining a gym, it could be a buggy push walk, swimming, chair-based exercise, Zumba, beginners dance classes, yoga, tag rugby, and much more!

Find out more about Walking into Communities.

Over four leisure centres now have over 4,500 members across all sites and continue to grow month on month.

Our swimming lessons are also at their highest ever levels with over 2,500 children attending on a weekly basis.

We want to thank you for supporting us on this fantastic journey which is helping us sustain and invest in your local leisure centres.

Our facilities at Dronfield, Sharley Park, Eckington and Killamarsh welcome users of all ages, young and old, and we our proud to provide the most friendly, welcoming and safe facilities in North East Derbyshire.

We will have some fantastic news to share with you next year at our gyms in Dronfield and Eckington, the much anticipated and exciting opening of the new Clay Cross Active and much more to come.

We are proud to serve you. Please sign up to our leisure services email to stay up to date and see a sneak peek (soon) of our new branding which will be refreshed throughout 2024.

If you are planning on going away this summer, then follow these few simple tips from our Community Safety Team to make sure your home looks as lived in as possible:

For more information about this, or any other community safety issues, visit our Community Safety webpages or call 01246 217015.

Did you know, if you are a community group in NE Derbyshire you can apply for a grant up to £500!

The funding is available to support residents to tackle local issues in NE Derbyshire District that support our Local Plan.

The following groups all received Community Action Grants to help celebrate the King’s Coronation recently:

What Services can we provide?

The service can assist residents by making sure that they are receiving all the benefits, grants, and funding that they are entitled to and helping to complete any necessary forms and applications if required. Some of the other services that we can also assist with are:

North East Derbyshire District Council Cabinet Member for Council Services, Cllr Joe Birkin, said: “The Outreach Service is a brand-new provision offered by North East Derbyshire District Council which offers help to families and individuals who live within the District by giving one-to-one support.

Officers meet with customers where they feel safe and comfortable which may be in their own home, council buildings or at other agencies.”

We would like to find out how you connect with the local community in terms of everyday walking.

Your feedback and input will help us create better supported communities and improve the health and wellbeing of our residents.

You can fill in the survey online

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero has confirmed that North East Derbyshire District Council, in partnership with Rykneld Homes Ltd, has been successful in securing £8.2m of funding from the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund.

Combined with the Council’s commitment of £13m, this multi-million pound investment will see over 600 council homes in North East Derbyshire receive major home insulation improvements over the next two years, making homes warmer and easier to heat.

This follows a hugely successful scheme of improvements over the past 18 months which has seen over 400 hard to heat homes improved by Rykneld Homes, for which they have recently won two prestigious awards.

The properties, which are of a non-traditional build, will be fitted with External Wall Insulation to make them easier to heat and keep warm. The programme will, where needed, also include new roofs, windows, soffits and fascias.

The improvements will boost energy efficiency and help residents to control their fuel bills, as well as supporting the council’s efforts to cut carbon emissions in the District, saving an incredible 966 tonnes each year.

Lord Callanan, Minister for Energy Efficiency and Green Finance, said: “This investment will help thousands of households to heat their homes for less, keep them warm for longer and could save hundreds on their annual energy bill.

“The green energy sector is growing, and this funding will support green jobs and provide the training needed to deliver these vital upgrades to homes.”

Work has already started on the first group of homes at Danesmoor, Clay Cross with excellent progress being made. The first homes will be completed shortly, making this one or the earliest projects in the national programme to reach this milestone.

Council Leader, and Housing portfolio holder Cllr Nigel Barker, said: “This is fantastic news.

"The council is committed to improving its housing stock and these improvements to over 600 homes in North East Derbyshire will make them easier to heat and keep warm.

"The work will also benefit the wider community as it helps to improve the environment for everyone by reducing carbon emissions.

“We are very proud of our commitment to improve our housing across the District and this latest announcement shows how the Council is determined to continue to tackle hard to heat, non-traditionally built homes. The successful Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund bid, combined with the Council’s own financial commitment means we can look forward to carrying out even more of these improvements and follows on from our recent success as Rykneld Homes were named winners of the refurbishment project of the year and carbon reduction project of the year at a recent event.”

Read the incredible story of Helen Williams, a marathon runner with learning disabilities and cerebral palsy who trains with us at Eckington Leisure Centre four times a week to reach her goal of World Marathon Majors.

The Covid pandemic was a difficult time for Helen. Although she could continue running, she had no access to her usual activities at the leisure centre which had a huge impact on her training and confidence.

All charity running events were cancelled and in May 2021, whilst out running on the trail with her support runner, Helen lost her balance and fell, breaking her metatarsal in her right foot.

This meant she was out of all training for eight weeks however there was a delay in the recovery because of her existing disability.

Helen eventually began to walk and work towards increasing her confidence and ability.

All this had delayed her achieving the World Marathon Majors which is six marathons: London, New York, Berlin, Boston USA, Tokyo and Chicago. She had already completed New York (2018) and London (2019) prior to Covid.

Running events returned as Covid eased and she was able to get back to competing. Her training was done mostly in Rother Valley Country Park and around the streets of Eckington, Mosborough and the surrounding areas.

In 2022, she completed the Berlin and London Marathons with her support runner.

On 17th April, 2023 Helen travelled to Boston to complete the Marathon without a support runner as he was ill and unable to support her. She ran with someone from USA she hadn’t met until the day before the race but completed it.

She now has achieved four of the six marathons and only has Chicago and Tokyo to do. She has a place in the Tokyo Marathon on 3rd March, 2024 and is working well to achieve that.

Helen is competing in the York 10k and the Great North Run later this year as part of her training and preparation.

She is raising money for Bowel Cancer UK in support of her support runner who became ill prior to Boston.

Q: Hi Matt. How did you get into the profession and how long have you been an Environmental Health Officer?Q: What do you enjoy most about your job?Q: What does a typical day involve?Q: Can you share any interesting stories?Q: If people have any concerns about the premises they visit or eat in, how should they report this?AquafunDates/time: Dates/time: Dates/time: Crazy GangDates/time: Dates/time: Cost: Soccer Stars Soccer CoachingDates/time: Cost: DodgeballDates/time: Cost: Roller Disco SessionsDates: Time: Cost: Junior GymDates/times: Cost: Crash course swimming lessonsDates/times: Cost: Large inflatable AquafunDates/time: Dates/time: Dates/time:Cost: Table TennisCost: Junior GymDates/time: Cost: Café and FREE soft play areaTo avoid disappointment, booking is recommended.Multi sports and games activity campDates/time: Cost: Turn up and play:BasketballDate/time: Age: Cost: 3G footballDate/time: Age: Cost: Indoor hockeyDate/time: Age: Cost: Quid a kid racket sportsDate/time: Cost: Junior GymDate/time: Date/time: Cost: Soft Play Kingdom.Time: Cost: Skate ParkTime: BIG SPLASH AquafunDates/time Dates/time: Dates/time: Cost: Junior GymDates/time: Cost: Flip and FunDates/time: Cost: Aqua GamesDates/time: Cost: Crash course swimming lessonsDates/time: Cost: Disc GolfFREE to use!Just do More! Junior membership - £19 per month